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Erika’s story…

In LIMARP we will never tire of helping to raise awareness among our patients, and anyone who will listen, about the dangers of obesity. Through our work we are able to experience closely what the statistics on obesity really mean, not only in Mexico, but in the United States and Canada through the treatment of hundreds of patients who travel south seeking a solution to their obesity problem. Through the years we have listened carefully to our patients and have a very clear idea of what they are living and feeling and of how obesity has affected their life and compromised their future.


The feelings, concerns, and physical limitations that obesity causes do not distinguish race, sex or social status. And, as is the case with so many other issues, underserved populations tend to be the most affected. The phenomenon of obesity by poverty occurs when those in greater economic disadvantage begin to rely on cheap junk food as a source of nutrition. Faced with this reality, we had to do something.

Deeply concerned about the threat that obesity places on so many people’s health, we created the LIMARP Foundation; a social organization that allows us to support patients with limited resources to overcome obesity and stop being part of the statistics.


Anyone who thinks that surgery for obesity is a luxury or believes that obesity should be controlled by sheer will power, has probably given little thought to the fact that an overweight and obese population translates into a vulnerable society in terms of health; which in turn affects people’s productivity, the general economy, the medical institutions’ response capabilities and due to related deaths, it actually tears at our social fabric. It truly affects us all.

It is a source of great pride for LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity, to care for patients through the LIMARP Foundation; Erika Sandoval’s story illustrates our work beautifully and showcases the results that are possible when a determined and committed person receives the support she needs.

At 39, Erika is a mother of three who has dedicated her life to her family and home, and as so many, she had fallen into a quite sedentary lifestyle. Concerned about her obesity and the history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension in her family, Erika came to LIMARP with the following health status.

– Initial weight: 168 kg.

– Body mass index: 60.43 (extreme obesity)

– Pathologies: High blood pressure and diabetes mellitus, taking meds for both conditions.

The first thing we did with Erika was introduce her to a 6 month long psychological and nutritional program with periodic appointments. During this time, Erika received tools that helped her make better choices regarding her diet, physical activity and handling of emotions; all in order to prepare her not only for her surgery, but for her new life.


At the end of the six months Erika had reduced her weight to 132.9 kg (292.3 lbs), her BMI to 47.65 and her diagnosis changed from severe obesity to grade III obesity. She was ready for her surgery! Her gastric sleeve procedure was successful and was Erika was diligent about surgery related, psychological and nutritional follow-up consultations every 2-3 weeks.

Erika is getting closer and closer to her goal. She currently weighs 110 kg (242 lbs.), has a BMI of 39.56 and her diagnosis has changed to grade II obesity. A healthy diet is now part of her daily life and she exercises for an hour 4 times a week. Her high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus are under control and she is off her meds. But best of all, Erika has a new attitude towards life, an increasing motivation to stick to her plan and the chance to do things that were previously out of her reach.


If you are interested in knowing more about this program, please call the LIMARP Foundation at (664) 686 2542. Our team studies every case thoroughly and with the great sensitivity.Original

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Dr. Pompa is a member of several distinguished organizations, where she attends meetings regularly and serves as faculty at:

  • Mexican Association of General Surgery
  • Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • American Association of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic diseases as an international member
  • International Bariatric Club
  • Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • French Society for Digestive Surgery
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Harvard Alumnin Association

To schedule your consultation, contact our Tijuana practice online or call us at: USA (619) 270-8823