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Different types of bariatric surgery

While bariatric or weight loss surgery has become a reasonable and effective option for the treatment of obesity, there is still some confusion about the types of surgery that are available. Contrary to what many people believe, there is more than one type of weight loss surgery, at LIMARP we specialize in six different types surgery for obesity, each with its special surgical technique; because not all patients or all cases can be treated with the same surgery.

In LIMARP the patient’s experience begins with a comprehensive and specialized diagnosis in which his or her complete clinical history is evaluated, this allows us to recommend the best possible option for the patient’s condition and goals.


Adjustable lap-band

In this procedure an adjustable silicone band is placed on the top part of the stomach, called gastroesophageal union. The stomach is divided into two parts and the band is inflated with liquid through a special port. The procedure generates restriction through a small channel between the two parts of the stomach.

The FDA has approved only two types of bands for this surgery and the LIMARP surgical team is certified for the placement of both.


Gastric plication

This innovative technique creates restriction of the stomach by reducing its capacity with sutures that imbricate the thickest part of the stomach, without removing any of it, as with gastric sleeve surgery.

In this procedure no part of the stomach or intestines is cut and no staples or any other prosthetic material is used. It is reversible and the weight loss is similar to that obtained through the gastric sleeve.


Gastric sleeve

This procedure is performed using a suture stapler to create a resection in the most distensible portion of the stomach. The patient is left with 20 per cent of his or her original stomach in the form of a thin gastric tube which limits the amount of food that can be consumed; weight loss can reach 80%.

This procedure, in addition to being restrictive, decreases the hormone that regulates appetite, which actually reduces the patient’s appetite. Its significant benefits have made it the favored option for many experts.


Gastric bypass

The gastric bypass is a restrictive and malabsorptive surgery. The technique used is known as gastric bypass “Roux-en-Y” which separates a large portion of the stomach. The part of the stomach that holds food is left with an approximate capacity of 20ml, so the amount of food that the patient can ingest is very limited.

After the reduction, the lower part of the intestine is attached to the small stomach pouch that was made to receive food. This procedure reduces the intestinal surface of absorption. The large portion of the stomach that was separated is followed by the portion of the intestine called the duodenum; this is attached to the part of the intestine that receives food at a lower point.

This surgery offers a weight loss of more than 85% and solves comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia.


Mini gastric bypass

This procedure restricts the amount of food and calories that the patient can eat. But a small component of this procedure limits the absorption of calories thanks to a small intestinal bypass.


Duodenal switch

This surgery is also known as biliopancreatic diversion (BPD). The basic principles are almost the same as those of the Roux-en-Y bypass, but in this procedure about 80 percent of the stomach is resected.

Malnutrition is one of the risks of this surgery, therefore LIMARP reserves this procedure for special patients that suffer from super obesity or extreme obesity and who have a clear indication for this procedure.


At LIMARP, all surgery for obesity is performed using the most advanced laparoscopic techniques and within the framework of our integrative care model for the obese patient; which begins at the very moment our patients come through our door for the first time.

If you know you have to lose weight to improve your health and want to know if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery, do not hesitate to call us. For a free evaluation call LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity at 664) 686 2542 or fill out a contact form at www.limarpclinic.com.

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Dr. Pompa is a member of several distinguished organizations, where she attends meetings regularly and serves as faculty at:

  • Mexican Association of General Surgery
  • Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • American Association of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic diseases as an international member
  • International Bariatric Club
  • Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • French Society for Digestive Surgery
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Harvard Alumnin Association

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