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Advanced Bariatric Laparoscopic Surgery

Bariatric Laparoscopic Surgery in Tijuana Mexico

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive type of surgery that allows doctors to perform operations using very small incisions. Laparoscopes, or small cameras, are threaded through the incisions to display video of the internal abdomen on a monitor, allowing the doctor to perform surgery without leaving a large scar.

Compared to traditional open surgeries, laparoscopic surgery results in less trauma to the treated area. As a result, patients can recover from surgery much faster and with a lower risk of side effects. At LIMARP® International Center of Excellence for Obesity, located in Tijuana Mx, Dr. Liza Pompa can perform a number of bariatric procedures by way of advanced laparoscopic techniques to minimize your risks and to lay the groundwork for successful treatment and fast recovery.

Laparoscopic Surgery vs. Traditional Surgery

In order for the doctor to see and maneuver freely, traditional surgeries require large incisions. In the case of bariatric surgery, an incision can be anywhere from three to 12 inches long. A laparoscopic bariatric procedure, in contrast, requires several incisions of less than half an inch.

The laparoscope and surgical instruments are inserted through these small incisions and the surgeon uses them assisted by a special monitor. Because these surgeries are more technically challenging, they require additional skills and training.

The Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery has become the preferred method of performing many general and bariatric procedures. The smaller incisions result in:

Dr. Pompa has extensive training in advanced laparoscopic techniques so that you can take advantage of a safer, more comfortable treatment.

Do All Patients Qualify for Laparoscopic Surgery?

For the majority of patients (99%), Dr. Pompa can perform bariatric surgery using laparoscopic techniques. However, an open procedure may be a better option for you if you have a history of abdominal surgery that has left dense scar tissue.

In rare cases, Dr. Pompa may decide to switch to an open procedure during the operation. This conversion may be necessary if bleeding problems or other issues make it difficult to properly view the organs. This is a calculated decision to protect patient safety. As a designated Center of Excellence surgeon, Dr. Pompa has the skills and experience to perform the best type of bariatric procedure for your particular case and needs.

Laparoscopic Bariatric Procedures

Our team at LIMARP can perform most bariatric procedure through laparoscopic techniques, including:

During your initial consultation, Dr. Pompa can determine which procedure is best suited to your weight loss goals and whether it can be performed by laparoscopy.

What Happens during a Laparoscopic Bariatric Procedure?

As with all of our bariatric surgeries, our anesthesiologist will first administer the general anesthesia best suited to your case, ensuring that you remain comfortable throughout your treatment.

Once you are under anesthesia, Dr. Pompa will:

With these advanced techniques, Dr. Pompa can perform your entire procedure using only three to five small incisions.

After Laparoscopic Weight Loss Surgery

Since this technique is less invasive than open surgery, most patients only remain in our clinic for about one to three days after their procedure. You should be able to get out of bed the day of your surgery and begin light walking. Our team will provide pain medication as needed.

We will do a contrast study of your stomach the following day to determine if you are ready to eat. If no leakage or blockage is found, you can begin having ice, popsicles and liquids, always in compliance with your post-surgical eating plan.

In general, patients experience only mild pain after laparoscopic surgery. As with any surgery, it is important to follow all instructions provided by our team during the healing process. You should be able to return to most of your normal activities within two weeks.

Possible Complications

The potential for complications after laparoscopic bariatric surgery is very low, less than 1%. Some possible complications include infection, leakage, blood clots and intestinal obstruction. Carefully following all post-operative instructions helps reduce your risk of complications.

After any type of bariatric surgery, it is crucial that you stick with your diet plan and adhere to all portion restrictions to avoid issues such as food intolerance, nutritional deficiencies and dumping Syndrome. At LIMARP®, we offer an integrative bariatric program that includes nutritional advice and postoperative care to ensure the best possible results.

Are You Ready for Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery?

If you have tried to lose significant weight through dietary changes, but have been unsuccessful, a laparoscopic bariatric surgery might be the right weight loss solution for you. Speak with a member of the LIMARP team today by calling toll-free from the US at (619) 270-8823 or by sending us a message online.



Dr. Pompa is a member of several distinguished organizations, where she attends meetings regularly and serves as faculty at:

  • Mexican Association of General Surgery
  • Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • American Association of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic diseases as an international member
  • International Bariatric Club
  • Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • French Society for Digestive Surgery
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Harvard Alumnin Association

To schedule your consultation, contact our Tijuana practice online or call us at: USA (619) 270-8823