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Rejuvenate Your Bust Line with Breast Lift Surgery

Breast Lift Surgery in Tijuana Mexico

As women age, skin loses its elasticity, and the effects of gravity become more apparent, especially in the breasts. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a solution to this problem that can rejuvenate your figure by restoring perky contours. When you visit our Tijuana, México , clinic, our plastic surgery team can assess your candidacy for this procedure and help you to determine if a breast lift is the best way to achieve your goals.

Breast Lift Candidacy

As with most plastic surgery procedures, ideal breast lift candidates should be non-smokers who do not suffer from diabetes or autoimmune disorders. They should also have sufficient skin elasticity.

A breast lift may be recommended if you are experiencing self-consciousness as a result of:

This procedure is frequently combined with breast augmentation or breast reduction to further enhance the shape and dimensions of the breasts. During your consultation, your plastic surgeon can explain these options and help you choose the variables that will provide the results you envision. Depending on your goals, your plastic surgeon may recommend combining a breast lift with breast augmentation.

Foreign patients will be asked to email specific photographs in order to determine which procedure best responds to their particular needs.

The Procedure

Before undergoing the procedure, you will be taken to a comfortable surgical suite and given general anesthesia to prevent discomfort. The procedure usually requires making an incision that surrounds the nipple, extends downward, and, depending on your needs, follows the lower crease of the breast. Our plastic surgery team uses refined incision techniques to ensure that resulting scars will be as discreet as possible. Excess skin and breast tissue will be removed before the incisions are closed in a way that refines the skin envelope of the breast and creates a more youthful breast contour. A breast lift is typically an outpatient procedure, meaning you will be free to return to your home or hotel room the day of surgery, but this depends on your evolution and the educated judgment of your surgical team.

After Your Breast Lift Procedure

After your surgery, you can expect some mild-to-moderate discomfort for about one to three days. Bandages will be removed 24 hours after the procedure, and a surgical bra must be worn at all times for the next four weeks. This compression garment will minimize swelling and keep your breasts properly positioned as they heal. About five to seven days after surgery, the sutures will be removed and most patients can return to their usual routine in one to two weeks.

As you heal, avoid lying flat on your back, it is much better you rest in a position in which your upper body remains elevated. A wedge pillow can be helpful in achieving this. Patients should avoid exercise for approximately four to six weeks. This will prevent swelling and discomfort until the breasts are fully healed, which usually take three to four months.

Our plastic surgery team will provide you with specific post-surgical care instructions. Following these instructions can help you to heal properly and cause scars to fade as much as possible.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you would like to enhance the projection, contours, and firmness of your bust, a breast lift may be the right solution for you. Contact our clinic by calling us at (619) 270-8823 or visiting us online.



Dr. Pompa is a member of several distinguished organizations, where she attends meetings regularly and serves as faculty at:

  • Mexican Association of General Surgery
  • Mexican College of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • American Association of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic diseases as an international member
  • International Bariatric Club
  • Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
  • French Society for Digestive Surgery
  • American Diabetes Association
  • Harvard Alumnin Association

To schedule your consultation, contact our Tijuana practice online or call us at: USA (619) 270-8823